"A fierce backlash has begun against the decision by astronomers to strip Pluto of its status as a planet."
Um... why the strong reaction? It just seems a little silly to me.
In other news, I'm flying in less than 24 hours! Leaving is a little depressing, but on the other hand, I can't wait to go. Conflicting feelings are confusing.
Hope everyone is doing well,
Because now we know that elementary school was a big LIE. The mneumonic device is useless!
3:27 PM, August 26, 2006
I heard about this. My question is, how did it occur to someone to strip Pluto of its planethood? Is this the result of long years of fierce debate by the delegates of the International Convention on the Planetary Merit of Pluto? Or is it merely a crafty plan hatched by a group wily astronomers to get their academic discipline back into the newspapers?
8:40 PM, August 26, 2006
Oh c'mon, it was always a weirdo, the maladjusted younger sibling of the planets, if no more. I mean, oddball orbit that sometimes makes it the eighth planet from the Sun? WTF, mate? I, for one, am not sad to see it go.
4:03 AM, August 27, 2006
Worrrd, Charles! From what I understand, it's actually been more of just a lexicographical debate. There was no real definition for "planet," the delegation's job was to come up with a definition, and their definition didn't fit Pluto, so Pluto is out. Too bad for Pluto. But hey, you have to give Holst some serious credit for being so forward-thinking. Anyone else ever wonder why "The Planets" ends with Neptune? Well now we know. Clearly Holst had the power to see the future.
12:05 PM, August 27, 2006
I remember hearing a discovery of a newer planet, that was bigger and of great planet caliber than Pluto. But what should Pluto be then, if it is not a planet?
6:42 PM, August 27, 2006
a hobject
11:16 PM, August 27, 2006
I didn't realize that quote was a link to an article until later
8:05 PM, August 28, 2006
What if Pluto declares war?
2:44 PM, August 29, 2006
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