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Thursday, September 07, 2006

jsn might appreciate this.

just about the only reliably good food in the dining hall at Calvin is Sun Chips. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone with really good food? Oh wait, breakfast is pretty good here too; we have waffle makers that make really great waffles that say "Calvin" on them. Otherwise, though, the food here is to die from.


Blogger Sam said...

*makes mental note to use the phrase "to die from" whenever possible*

2:10 AM, September 08, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

What's with collegiate waffle makers? I know Yale has them too, but nothing from MIT. Grr....

9:09 AM, September 08, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

International Preorientation here has served us some pretty heinous bagels every breakfast thusfar. They're cold, and glue-like when chewed.

However, they did let us have dinner at one of the eating clubs recently, which was great (think roast beef and chocolate fountain).

2:33 PM, September 08, 2006

Blogger berno said...

I may get cursed for saying this, but stolaf food is damn good. I am particularly fond of their thai line (its a cafeteria system) but the daily tortilla speciality is usually also a strong contender. On the downside, the water in northfield tastes like turpentine.

4:02 PM, September 08, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

St. Olaf gets great food rankings from Princeton Review. So if Bern is cursed, so are they.

I haven't started yet, but Stanford summer-session food is decent. Nothing really special, I would say, although the cookies are pretty good, and the ice cream selection merits an energetic thumbs-up. Chicken is served approximately daily, sometimes multiple times a day.

2:26 AM, September 09, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Idyllwild has some shitty food I'd say. But, we get rice for breakfast, as we have a large amount of chinese and korean exchange students here. The other good thing is the salad bar and a smorgasboard, and soon we'll be gettiing granola and yogurt.

6:16 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

Actually, Berkeley has some pretty decent food. Highly edible. I'm eating a whole lot better here than I did at home, which seems to be against some kind of cosmic law. I've mainly been going with the vegetarian station at the dining hall. Good tofu/veggie stir-fries on the regular. Oh yeah, and smuggling food back to the casa... I've been doing a lot of that. I just got a huge messenger bag, which is coming in all kinds of handy. I do not lack for apples, hoo-boy! let me tell you: apples are not lacking.

8:28 PM, September 11, 2006


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