Window in the skies
So, my cousin blue dotted this and overlooking a little bit of silly footage, I think it's fairly clever and says some things about music, which I'm sure we could infinitely analyze, scrutinize, or simply dismiss as obvious. But I still like it, so I suggest you check it out, ja?
And speaking of BlueDot does anyone else like social bookmarking? Because I love it.
Hey, is anyone else going to make it to the gala later this month? Calvin has a short January term, and we have break during that week after the term finishes so I'm looking forward to it, and it'd be awesome if more people could make it too. Ok. bye!
That is rad! Thanks Emma.
And... I'm almost positive that at around 3:15 in the video that clip of the two dudes kicking in unison is none other than our main men the MC5 (random, I know, but hey...)
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the Gala. Have fun!!!
12:04 AM, January 08, 2007
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