Big news!
My sister Ruth just got her acceptance to WashU TASP 2007! Callooh! Callay!
Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.
I think I'm kinda done with freshman year.
Quick poll: What are you people doing this summer? I'll be staying here in Boston to do some econ research. If anyone's planning a trip to New York or anywhere within a train-ride's radius, I can make it there for a weekend.
Labels: summer
Now I can comment! Hooray for Charles! The blog rises from the ashes.
Labels: reunions, spring break, Top 5
Good god. I'm up because of a 10:00AM fire alarm, the first thing my confused ears hear are evacuation orders. Feel my pain.
Labels: Top 5
Mwahahahahaha. etc.
Hey Everyone,
No pictures this time, but Isaac seems to be quite the reunion man lately. Ridley and I got to see him perform in the national poetry slam invitational in Ypsilanti last weekend, and it was mind-blowingly incredible. I want to spend the rest of my life just listening to poems. Berkley made it to finals, and Isaac performed fantastically. Also, we stayed in the Telluride House (after only two and half years of jealous waiting...those TASSers...) and met all kinds of cool Telluridians. Oh! And Adam was there! And his girlfriend Bernadette, who is way to cool for him. ^__^ So, in summary, I had a fantastic Easter Break.
Great news, not much time.