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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

been a while, and a film

Hey Everyone,

First, I apologize for my extreme lack of blogging. Although I may not post or comment often, I am reading up on all of you (through this and facebook.)
I guess I'm passively enjoying your accomplishments, exploits, and trials, but I thought I should make some sort of appearance on our blog.
It first hit me when I was talking this '07 tasp hopeful through her interview that it's been almost two years. Is time bothering anyone else? Not to mention that one quarter of college is done and I don't know what the hell I've done for a year.

If you have similar sentiments and worries, let me know, but for now (and Charles has already seen this) I wrote and directed the second place winning film in Froshlife, a first-year film competition at Duke where each freshman dorm makes an eight-minute film in two weeks.

I've included the link here, and I hope you get a chance to watch it.

Hope you like it (and specific congrats to Isaac),

Matt S.


Blogger Henrik Herb said...

I tried wathing the movie, but it seems to not work. Has it worked for anyone else?

12:55 PM, April 12, 2007

Blogger Sanjukta said...

i can post comments again! yay!!

matt congrats, and i loved the film! esp the whole brick in the wall part haha

12:43 PM, April 15, 2007

Blogger Dylan said...

Woohoo. Commenting powers!

Matt, that film was excellent. And I'll snap to Sanju about the pre-med scene. I loved it.

7:29 PM, April 15, 2007


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