Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

berns turn!

so my sister workes at a restaurant called "Hogan Bros." weird.

just got done with my second day of band camp. the kids are doing good, but I am still insanely beat. I wrecked my bike this morning and cranked my foot, so it hurt all day while I was marching. got the day off to a good start. and then I found ten dollars.

having a major "wish I was still at TASP" attack right now. probably due to the fact that not only am I writing to you, but I am also listening to Daler Mendhi. Kind of a double whammy.

I made my parents watch Bob Roberts. you should have seen it. there I was laughing my head off, and afterward they were like "so.. what was the point of it?" come to think of it, that was the response to "high fidelity" too.

wow. I am really starting to sound like a downer here. Ill try to think positive from now on. Samyu- bern has no cable either. ommmmmmmmmmmm......... Im applying to deep springs. If I get in I will be sure to post you a picture of the leninist propaganda. (hmm.. would lenin have supported the turquoise revolution?)

on a slightly.. actually completely unrelated topic-- Charles, do you know where I can get those top gear episodes online? I have a friend that I wanted to show them to.

Other than that there is not much to report here. Oregon is just doing lovely. I liked the submitted pictures for the brochure. I would be so mad ill to see our smiling faces next year.

keep posting!


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Ok, you can go to for episode information, and you can find episode downloads at, just search for top gear. Be warned, you do need some extra software and fast internet, but you can find it pretty easily

10:00 PM, August 24, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

My mom liked High Fidelity. I don't know what she'd think of Bob Roberts, though . . .


1:16 PM, August 25, 2005


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