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Monday, August 22, 2005

hostile takeover of the brochure

HOKAY, so, here's the earth...anyway, I didn't know that we were on top of the brochure thing and sending Adam photos, so I emailed Ellen Baer about pictures and the brochure/website. She said to mail the pictures on a CD to her at:
Telluride Association
217 West Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850

I don't know if we want to make the photo peoples' lives a little easier by not sending a dozen CDs or if we all want to send separately. So, we could continue to send Adam pics and have him put them on a CD or do whatever magic is supposed to do or we could try something else. We could have everyone post or email or whatever the captions of their favorite pictures on the photo bucket and have the original photographer(most likely Jason) or the person with pictures on their computer(most likely Charles), email me or I guess Adam a full sized version of the photo. I only suggest me b/c I have gmail and therefore a crapload of storage space for photos. Ok, I think that's all about digital photos for now. Post any questions.

Second, do the people who took photos on regular cameras already have the film developed? I need to email Ms. Baer back and let her know.


Blogger Meredith said...

I'm too lazy to edit my post, so I'll just add on a comment. It actually might make more sense to post requests and then have Jason or Charles or Emma, who I think are in possession of the bulk of pictures, make the CD. I could make a CD for all the photos people who took fewer photos. I know that's extra work for people who happen to have a lot of photos, so I don't mind doing the bulk of it. Ok, this is really hard to articulate. Just post any questions or suggestions, I guess.

2:59 PM, August 22, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Here's the situation. A while ago, I e-mailed approx. 60 slightly photoshopped (you know, nicer colour, no red-eye etc.) pictures which I deemed brochure-worthy to Adam, so he should be able to create a CD from those. Thus, the chances are that photos of mine which you'd like in the brochure are already on Adam's laptop. I guess others with lots of good photos (Emma, Charles, Samyu etc.) should also send them to Adam. This seems to be the least complicated and most reliable way of getting snapshots of our wonderful faces to Ellen Baer (and thereby taking over the brochure).

Reiteration of what I said awhile ago: Look at the '05 brochure. TA mostly goes for people happily smiling or staring off into the distance. And they seem to like lighter background shots (more coherent layout effect I guess). Some goofy shots do get into the brochure (I seem to recall one of people jousting with brooms). Above all, make sure that there's sharp focus and a lot of detail for the faces. Oh, and if you have good group shots, definitely send those in.

So send your photos to Adam! (Unless he pops up now and refuses)

4:26 PM, August 22, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Yea, it seems redundant to send CDs if we can instantly relay them through Adam. Of course, he needs to agree too.

8:08 PM, August 22, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

what if we reduced the size of our photos to fit storage space on our computers? and will photobucket photos be unrelayable? because i kind of emptied my memory card on a regular basis onto my personal photobucket.
btw, does adam have a personal email account? b/c the umich email does not accept bulk emails or even visual attachments very well.

12:40 PM, August 23, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

I think everyone in authority over the brochure has consistently said that we can't send reduced size photos. Don't you save pictures on your computer hard drive when you transfer them off your camera? Or do you delete them when you put them on your photobucket?

1:24 PM, August 23, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Samyu are you sure about the UMich accounts not accepting large files? Has it rejected your e-mails, because it seemed fine when I sent Adam my photos. Hmm... maybe I overloaded the account? But wait, don't the accounts have some ridiculously large capacity? In any case, the UMich e-mail still seems to be the best bet.

2:32 PM, August 24, 2005


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