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Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy Post-Birthday

This is coming on the 22nd, so Adam doesn't experience post-holiday let-down. Receiving a dozen birthday greetings one day and none the next cannot be good for your system. Like New Year's - it's only there to keep people from committing suicide when Christmas is over. So here's a ray of sunshine to banish the gloom of August 22nd! Take that!

I looked on Wikipedia and found a list of people with August 21 birthdays. Sorry, Adam, Napoleon was born August 15, so you missed him by almost a week. You'll have to settle for Count Basie, Wilt Chamberlain, Kenny Rogers, etc. Also Shimazu Yoshihiro, which means you'd probably better watch out for cranky, 400-year-old Japanese zombie warlords out to purge the Earth of blood-traitor pirates who have dishonored a noble ninja birth date. if you're interested. Incidentally, my brother's birthday is also August 21. He turned two. So you're in good company, Adam. But it won't save you from Shimazu.

I'm glad to see that so many TASPers have finally gotten their act together and posted. There's only about six people left. So let's hunt them down and make them post!

My family is now addicted to Speed. The game. We tried playing it six-ways, which was pretty crazy, but all good fun.

Kudos to Meredith on the recommendations page.



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