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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Discombobulated Me

So we're driving to a temple in NYC, and I persuade my mom to play our protest CD in the car. She complies, all is peaceful, and then, "All American Rejects! All American Rejects!" starts blaring from the player. Add that to the fact that for the rest of the evening I sing Imagine in a soulful voice from the backseat, and now she doesn't let me play English songs in the car anymore.

I made a mixed tape for my neighbor today, and though I used to do this quite regularly before, I started feeling nervous about covert signals that might unintentionally be sent through my song choice and order. (#$$%&#$#%!#$!^#!* High Fidelity) I'm really discombobulated, I am.


Blogger Meredith said...

I'm definitely obsessed with what people will read into mix tapes now if they're the opposite gender. If you want to talk subtle messages in mix tapes, you should listen to "Mix Tape" from the musical Avenue Q. Actually, everyone should listen to it because it's a fabulous song. I'll try to post it on my personal website once that gets up and running again.

6:58 PM, August 20, 2005


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