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Monday, September 19, 2005


Avast, mateys!

Sorry, my ninja allies, but today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and who am I to argue with the International Holiday Authority? You have to admit it is a pretty chill holiday. Although I believe I detect a bit of anti-ninja discrimination - where's Talk Like a Ninja Day? I guess ninjas don't really talk . . . maybe Be Silent Like a Ninja Day?

Two minutes later:
OK, I did some web research, and it turns out there is a ninja day! Wow, I'm so excited I'm about to start trembling with excitement! It's December 5 (incidentally, the same as St. Nicholas Day, a big deal in this neck of the woods - who've the pirates got for their patron saint, I wonder?).

Here's a basic info page on ninja day:

And here's another cool web hit I picked up - looks like some enterprising kindred ninja spirit at University of Illinois who writes for the school paper.

So anyway, pirates, enjoy your day. But watch out for the Day of the Ninja.



Blogger Sam said...

This just in! There is a Pirates Vs. Ninja day, too! February 3rd! No way! Tell me I'm dreaming!

4:23 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

And guess who walked around talking like a pirate all day? That's right, me. I am in the pirate club, after all.

Some other kids are starting up a rival ninja club, though! That's spells trouble.

5:34 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

I wrote a story for AP Lang that involves lots of pirates and out lovely canoe trip/battle. Oh, and Adam gets shurikened in the throat, as you might imagine happening in a true pirates v. ninjas environment.

5:52 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

St. Nicholas Day is pretty big in my neck of the woods, too. When I was in Kindergarten, one boy's dad came to my class dressed up like St. Nicholas and we all had to lay our shoes out by the window (since we lacked a fireplace in our classroom). I got a lump of coal. But then I was a pretty bad kid back then. I just remember crying and crying and crying. It was hard.

If only I had known about Pirate Day earlier! Perhaps I'll wear an eye patch to youth symphony rehersal...

5:58 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Oh, and Chris says hi, as he still can't access the website

7:01 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Awesome. There are actually days dedicated to ninjas and pirates. Too bad yesterday was the pirates' turn... blech.

Charles, if it's not a problem, you have to send me a copy of that essay.

6:02 AM, September 20, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

I'd like to get a look at that essay too. Can it be posted on the website somehow?

4:48 PM, September 20, 2005


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