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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Congressional Snapping

I did this forensics activity called Student Congress this weekend in Lansing, MI which is a total college town and basically an ugly copy of Ann Arbor and also our state capitol. So basically a bunch of high schoolers get together and pretend they're the congress plus there's an executive branch (which does nothing), a press corps (which does nothing), and two lobby groups (which do nothing but act as congressional pages and get abused by the annoying power wielding house of representatives). I was on the human rights committee and sadly our bill did not pass, but it was a ton of fun. Charles if you have this in St. Louis you should check it out. I tried to introduce snapping to my committee, but it didn't catch on. Sad day. We got to sit where our state congress sits though, so it was really quite fun and made me feel speshal. But listening to some of those horrible narcissists talk made me feel very grateful for our wonderful discussions in TASP. One kid, "Rep. Kalesza, as I'm sure you all know my name by now," was nearly censured by the congress because he monopolized the microphone and was so awful. I was very grateful that I was at least a bit familiar with Robert's Rules, too, because we followed parliamentary procedure and everything. It almost made me miss our long house meetings. Almost. Congratulations on the goal Henrik! What position do you play, by the way?


Blogger Jason Chua said...

Haha, Robert's Rules. Did you get to the point where people started making ammendments to ammendments? That's usually the point when you feel like strangling somebody. Anybody.

Glad you had fun despite all that!

5:15 PM, September 20, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Point of order! When in discussion of an amendment, you can not amend the amendment. I'm sorry Representative Chua, but you are out of order!

After all of those points of order, I began to think that Adam wasn't being so finicky at those early house meetings after all...

9:26 PM, September 20, 2005


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