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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Senior Photos

Hey everyone!

Till today, I'd never seen a wax seal on a letter before, and was suitably impressed when Emma's envelope arrived, seal and all. Thanks for writing! Strange that you ask about senior pictures because major coincidence - today was the day for G. 12 photos at my school.

Now, I don't know or pretend to understand what happens with senior photos in the States. Do you just send in your own, or does the school use a photographer... or both? Anyway, over here the school organises the whole shindig for the G. 12's. We just show up smartly dressed. Basically, today was fun (because everyone looked way more mature and intelligent than normal, plus the added bonus of about half the guys accidentally dunking their ties into various condiments or beverages at lunch time) but also uncomfortable. The weather decided to renege on its promise of rain, and so we had to sort of swelter through the day.

As you all probably expect, I was planning on going crazy with my camera. Unfortunately it decided to malfunction. And die. So most of the shots I managed to take came out rather crappy. However, here's one for now.

That's Pekka, and yes, his right eye is gazing to one side while the other is staring at the camera. It's impressive.

My friends are pooling the shots from all their cameras, so I should have more tomorrow - just check out the photobucket.

Till then,



Blogger Meredith said...

Jason, that picture is amazing.

6:50 PM, September 13, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Wow. I'm impressed, both at the photograph and the respect with which your school treats senior pictures. Here in the egalitarianist Netherlands, seniors just get regular school photos, just like the sixth-graders. No extra maturity and intelligence on supply around here.

1:15 PM, September 14, 2005


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