Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hey, look!

I spent a few minutes updating our blog's links section. It's over on the right. The links there represent all the online TASP presences from 2003 onwards that I am aware of. The UT Austin one in 2003 was what initially got me thinking that perhaps TASP would be an interesting program to apply to after all (this was when I first got the brochure). Anyway, the links are definitely worth a distracting moment or two.

Note that some blogs have sort of died out (this is NOT what we want happen to us), while others are still going pretty strong. As far as I can tell, UT Austin 2003, 2004, and Cornell 2004 post pretty regularly.

Of particular interest is UMich TASP 2004. They started off with a message board, then began clamouring for a blog... moved to the blog, and basically stopped posting. Whatever. They don't seem like a very communicative bunch anyway. The point is that their board did work; you can go check it out. So we'll see how it goes with St. Louis TASP 2005 and their board.

Hope all's well,

Till later,



Blogger Sanjukta said...

Is there a way to move that section to the top right as opposed to the bottom right?

But, that's an amazing compilation, Jason. Your phrase "a few minutes" made me laugh. I would have taken a few hours.

7:01 PM, December 10, 2005


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