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Thursday, December 01, 2005


Dearest TASPers:

I have concluded, after some contemplation, that we are not gracing more of the brochure because our radiant pulchritudinousness was too overwhelming for its pages. So that resolves all of that.

Also, I posted new photos on the photobucket. I'm particularly fond of the one of me rolling down a hill. There's a pretty classic video of about eight other girls running down and starting to roll down with me, starting about 10 seconds after the photo was taken.

Also, I am currently engaged in an epic battle with the College Counseling Office and College Board. They think my college list is too top heavy, and I need to drop off a couple of the more selective schools on my list. Last time I went in and he said that, I said, "No, college counselor! Fear my kung fu moves! MORTAL COMBAT!" And we both flipped a shit and started slow-mo mortal combatting each other, just right there in his office. You know how these things go.

Also, much to my chagrin, I was forced to shop at the Corporate Machine that is...Walmart. As I sat in the McDonald's in the very front of the store, I thought, "This, right here, is America: a McDonald's in a Super Walmart." Anyway, I was forced to be there because I needed to pick up supplies for dorm angeling, and Walmart is the only place readily available. We do this thing called "angeling" during exam week, where each person is a assigned, secretly, a mortal to do nice things for in the three days of exam week. We wanted it to be low cost, so we bought a bunch of candy and decorating supplies. Other gifts include dates to EP(the social center on Tuesday night) with the entire soccer team, being serenaded by the male a capella group, the Exeteras, and breakfast in bed. Stuff like that. It's really neat, and the thought of the joy it would bring people almost assauged my guilt of supporting a chain with such abysmal labor policies and a tendency to destroy small businesses.
Apropos, we're discussing ethical and moral conflict in Philosophy class. Perhaps I'll post the case study we were doing later.

Top Five Songs that Remind Me of College:
1. Mortal Combat
2. We Didn't Go to Harvard - Cayuga's Waiters
3. Let's Get Retarded - Black Eyed Peas
4. Genius - Kings of Leon
5. What Do You Do With a B.A. in English? - Avenue Q


Blogger Sam said...

OK, confession time: my dad, sister and I visited Walmart too, during my frenzied college tour. Understand, this was not my choice. It was a physical shock to be surrounding by that much aggressive consumerism, especially because jetlag was just setting in when I stepped inside. I spent much of that hour hunched over in the fetal position somewhere in the pharmaceutical section.

5:09 PM, December 01, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Yay for Avenue Q songs!

As for We Didn't Go to Harvard... Nice song but most of the lyrics mean nothing to me. And I can't seem to find a version of it where the soloist's voice doesn't sound all strangled. It's annoying.

As for the cons of globalization... today I spent a fascinating economics lesson flipping through Cartoon Molotovs in the Face of Corporate Rule, a book of comics that basically criticizes at the hypocrisy of the wealthy. Definitely worth getting, or at least perusing, the next time you're at a bookstore.

6:24 PM, December 01, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

snaps to #3.

6:37 PM, December 01, 2005


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