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Friday, January 13, 2006

shakin up the blog

So it looks like nobody has posted for a while.
I think I will change that.

not much happening here in oregon. wish it would get colder--its currently shorts and barefoot weather. In January. Bummer.
Finally finished all my scholarship apps. One thing worries me though; I applied to Cornell two weeks ago, and they haven't contacted me yet. Any of you who applied know what their normal turnaround time is? I think it might be just because I am a Y, but one never knows. I would be pretty ticked if it didn't get through somehow (I submitted online) Any insight you guys have would be greatly appreciated.
In other college news, I just realized that I never updated you on deep springs.
rejected. Bummer.
It was a long shot anyway.

In happier news, I saw P&P again last night. The ending is growing on me. still a little cheezy, but I can accept it better because the second time I realized that Darcy looked like he was intending to go look for Lizzy, rather than just a chance meeting in the meadow at 5 in the morning. Much more believable. I will reiterate how amazing the Jane in this version is.

I'm going through a sort of a weird phase right now. I am trying to memorize Dr. Suess poems. Seriously. I want to have them committed to memory so I can someday perform them. Do you realize how cool of a show that would be. Oh, and if you haven't read any Seuss lately, I highly suggest you do so. It's interesting how we just remember them as funny poems with names like "Zanzibar Buck Buck McFate", but if you reread them there is a lot of social commentary.

Top five Dr. Seuss stories.
5)The King's Stilts
4)Happy Birthday to You
3)The Zax
2)Did I Ever tell you how Lucky you Are?
1) The Lorax

Miss you all



Blogger Emma said...

snaps for that lorax! he's sweet. I definately understand that feeling, I considered doing a collection of Lewis Carroll poems for poetry interp. in forensics this year. understand, I'm an orator, not a poetry person. Winning poems in forensics have to sound like prose and the subject must be either a rape, murder, suicide, or preferably, a combination of all three. But wouldn't it be fun to get up in front of all that gloom and sing, "Will you walk a little faster/said the whiting to the snail/there's a purpose close behind us/and he's treading on my tail/see how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance/they are waiting on the shingle/ will you come and join the dance?"

9:51 AM, January 14, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Too bad about Deep Springs; I hope their admissions officers are lying awake at night wondering why they turned you down. I guess you'll have to resign yourself to being less than 5 hours away from the rest of humanity. :) I don't know about the Lorax, and the King's Stilts aren't my favorite, but Happy Birthday to You totally rocks. I would also put in a good word for Too Many Daves and McElligot's Pool. When I was in San Francisco in the summer of '04, I walked into a gallery that happened to be showing some of Seuss's artwork - wonderful, crazy, wacky stuff. I think he's even better as an artist than as a writer.

9:15 AM, January 15, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Boo hiss at Deep Springs for not taking our wonderful Bern.

I see you applied to Cornell (thought you told me about this no-ivy-league-or-similar policy during TASP; maybe my memory's fuzzy)... is McGill still your first choice?

5:49 PM, January 15, 2006

Blogger berno said...

yeah, kinda ditched McG. About the anti-ivy; I did say that, but you should understand that to a kid in eastern oregon, "ivy" means five names: harvard, cambridge, yale, princeton, stanford. I guess I was using the term a little nonspecifically.

2:05 AM, January 16, 2006

Blogger berno said...

p.s. I went on cornell web site and found out that they are ridiculously backlogged and though my name is in their system (I checked) they haven't gotten around to really reading my stuff or contacting me yet.
so I guess I'm just chillin right now

2:08 AM, January 16, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

sucks to be a deep springs adm officer right now.
ur too good for them.

3:55 PM, January 16, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Stanford? Ivy League? ???

I applied to McGill, although they're polling pretty low in my rankings too. Canada's just a little too weird for me, I guess. :)

12:43 PM, January 17, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

12:43 PM, January 17, 2006

Blogger berno said...

it is to west sider

10:14 PM, January 17, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Touch break Bern, I really saw you getting in to Deep Springs. So either their full of it, or we are. However, they're the ones surrounded by maneur, am I wrong? Anyway, speaking of Seuss, a nearby school did a musical called 'Seussical'. I never saw it. But...yeah.

8:41 PM, January 20, 2006

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Haha, touch break. I meant tough break. Touch break Bern! Just go ahead and...touch it! Oh yeah...also... "either they're full of it". Man, that was bad.

8:42 PM, January 20, 2006


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