Tracking... tracking...
A few days ago, I made a neat little addition to our blog in the form of a site meter, thinking that it would simply count the number of page views and happily tick away at the bottom of the screen. It's down there, right now. Scroll and see.
One click on the icon, and this page shows up. Not unexpectedly.
Anyway, today, I discovered just how much information that electronic counter actually picks up. If you take a few extra moments and look around that page, going to the different displays available along the sidebar and the bottom menu, you soon stumble upon some weirdly interesting information. Like the fact that I, obsessively enough, was responsible for over 11% of the blog's traffic within the four days that the counter was up. Meredith (and perhaps other Exonians) account for something like 15%. Go to "Visitor Tracking" by "domain" and see for yourself.
Then, I went to the list of visitors (by location), and this raised some questions. Because who from Haggen in Tirol (an Austrian province) would read this blog? I haven't a clue.
The referrals page is pretty interesting, because it seems quite a few people arrive here via the St. Louis blog. I realize that all this information must seem really mundane/inconsequential, but it's oddly fascinating the first time you see it.
However, if this whole tracking thing is too creepy, feel free to remove it (from the html code in the blog template). Or tell me and I'll do it.
My friends read the blog, too. And I find the blog tracking thing really cool. Perhaps it is a little creepy, but then, so is the internet.
9:46 AM, February 10, 2006
Wow! By no means delete this, Jason. And if it's like spying, well, it's only spying back - they're reading our blog, aren't they?
12:32 PM, February 10, 2006
2:23 PM, February 10, 2006
Straw poll saws Samyu loses. keep it!
3:10 PM, February 10, 2006
hell yes!
thats the coolest thing Ive seen yet.
8:08 PM, February 10, 2006
hmmmm... that just fails to work for me at all
11:17 PM, February 10, 2006
Leave it...I love reading the searches that send people here!
10:01 AM, February 11, 2006
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