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Monday, February 13, 2006

Winter Olympics and DVDs

Did anybody watch the final performance by the top ranked Chinese pair in figure skating? I didn't catch the actual skate, but in the recaps they showed her being tossed into this massive jump which you could tell from afar was going to end badly because she was all slanted in the air and whatnot. Anyway, she landed in what was basically a very very painful split/twisted knee and had to be pushed off the ice. The amazing and heartwarming development is that she actually decided to finish the skate, despite what was obviously considerable pain, netting them the silver medal. Simply awesome.

Eurosport (the local sports channel) loves to show speed skaters falling down and skidding into the foam barriers that are set up around the track, which is definitely a heartwrenching thing to watch, because you see the sequence of events in slow motion, from the initial slip, to the wide-eyed omg-there-goes-the-gold panicked look that follows, and ending with the humiliating slide across polished ice. However, a part of me just thinks that it looks like amazing fun - the whole zooming along faster than a small car and sliding a considerable distance before bouncing off a crash mat. Anybody concur?

In something completely unrelated, I went and bought the DVD Shaun of the Dead. I remember someone (most likely Meredith) raving about it during TASP. The movie was entertaining, but also surprisingly gory. But then, most of the time you're too busy giggling to notice that some poor guy is indeed being ripped to shreds and/or eaten alive.

I also bought this DVD compilation which contains, along with other stuff, an excerpt from the (apparently) monumental performance of Schubert's Trout Quintet by the likes of Jacqueline du Pre and Itzhak Perlman, amongst others. To my completely untrained eye and ear, it's an amazing recording. Charles, Matt, or anyone else, if you have a copy of the rest of it, audio or otherwise, I'd like to know. :)

That's all,

Till later,



Blogger Charles Wu said...

I actually have the full performance on my computer, and I'll try to figure out a way to send it to you. It's very very big, so I dunno how exactly I'm going to upload it. The rest of the documentary is very funny, actually

As for the Olympics, downhill skiing is quite the maddest sport ever. I'm told that they actually break terminal velocity on the way down, which means they're going faster than they would falling spread-eagled from an airplane (!)

9:29 PM, February 13, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

WHID. Alpine ski racing. I do that.

9:41 PM, February 13, 2006


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