Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Hello, Everyone!!

Oh gosh, how I've missed all of you! There's a little story about why I haven't been on the blog for AGES...

The story is: I've been super stressed out about colleges, and I've been emotionally unable to view any talk of college. At all. Not really a story, I know...but the truth, nonetheless.

Anyway, now that I've got the whole college thing worked out, I'm ready to come back and join the PAR-TAY!!

I'm going to UCR (the University of California, Riverside). It's a nice, smallish college with a fabulous honors program (which, happily, I have been accepted to). Plus, they gave me a 75% tuition scholarship! That's happy. They have great programs, and majors I really like...and lots of creative writing and dance, which I'm super excited about.

In other news, my show choir is traveling to Las Vegas this week for our big competition...which means, as president, I have lots of work to do...but it's all fun stuff. Mostly shopping, hehe.

It's so good to read about everyone's brings real tears to my eyes. I miss each and every TASPer so much.

I'll keep up with the posting and I hope you're all doing well!




Blogger Meredith said...

LISA! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!

Congrats on UCR. That is a sweet deal.

8:13 AM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

*snap snap*

1:34 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Wahey! It's Lisa!


5:06 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...


6:20 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Sweet! Congrats, and enjoy the SoCal sun for four more years!

7:40 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Emma said...

^__^ You make me happy.

9:09 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger IsaacNoah said...

WooooO! Lisa! Howdy. Congratulations on UCR and honors program rocking out. One of my brothers went there for pre-med, had many good things to say. Cool deal. Hope to hear more sometime soon.

10:10 PM, April 03, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

ps - did u like the pics?

8:34 AM, April 04, 2006


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