ups and downs
Today was a monumental day in my musicking life: I got to play a concerto with an orchestra accompaning me in front of an actual audience. And not just any concerto, the Mozart bassoon concerto, the most (okay, the only) famous bassoon concerto. It was crazy though because I had a forensics district tournament right before and had to run about with my shirt untucked and my reed hanging out of my mouth, but it went really well in the end.
Unfortunately, I got some bad news today. Georgetown doesn't want me and I got wait listed at Carleton. I geuss I'm okay with it. I've been leaning away from both of them for a couple of months now, and I'm sure that the people who got in were wonderfully qualified and hopefully more enthusiastic than me. Still, it would have been nice.
I'm in a dire situation! I have a project proposal due for honors World Lit. on Thursday and I don't have any ideas!! It's the most open-ended thing in the universe; it just has to relate to post-colonial literary theory. Anyone heard of Edward Said? He's totally awsome and also happens to be a very influential post-colonialist. So, if anyone has any ideas whatsoever, I would forever be indebted. My mind is completely blank! Gaaar!
P.S. Go watch Howl's Moving Castle right now. Do it!
If this makes you feel any better, I sent Cornell's application to WashU and therefore got waitlisted there along with a letter telling me to look at my application again (I mentioned Cornell in the college space on the common app)
AND stood my Cornell interviewer up, therefore basically sealing my application there.
but it's sooo funny in retrospect, don't you think? either that, or i have a weird sense of humor.
4:28 PM, March 28, 2006
Samyu, that is funny in a tragic, makes-me-cringe sort of way. But whatever, you'll most likely have half-a-bazillion choices to pick from.
And gaaah! What's wrong with Georgetown?
Are you going to wait for the admissions officers at Carleton to come to their senses, or are you going to commit to some other college?
4:42 PM, March 28, 2006
*Snaps for jsn* Stupid, stupid Georgetown. If its admissions office doesn't see the value in Emma Slager, the school doesn't deserve to have her.
6:09 PM, March 28, 2006
I agree completely (although I will respectfully refrain from snapping).
Georgetown has made a huge mistake. But it is no matter, when they see you receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for ending war, hunger, and poverty, they'll rue the day the passed up the chance to claim you.
10:34 PM, March 28, 2006
Georgetown? Carleton? They too have gone over to the Dark Side, rejecting TASPers? Hmph. My respect for college admissions offices drops daily.
Post-colonial theory . . . I did a piddly bit of research on that vis-a-vis Heart of Darkness several months ago, but that's the extent of my exposure. Sorry.
2:17 PM, March 29, 2006
And Samyu . . .
*hides his face in his hands*
2:18 PM, March 29, 2006
georgetown must be the most sad weirdos from planet pluto if they rejected you
ditto for carleton.
although I guess they would be from planet neptune
2:58 PM, April 02, 2006
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