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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Barbara Manatee and the Walrus

Whoa, Meredith, why didn't you tell us that you got a job writing for the WB? First, read this, especially the second to last paragraph. Then last night on Gilmore Girls (which has stunk of late and which I vow never to watch again because of its boringness. Dang, I may as well burn my television now. Except, I do like to watch commercials every once in a while...) one of the characters said she had a dream about a walrus sitting on her and smothering her to death. Obviously, they changed it from a manatee to a walrus to prevent allegations of plagiarism, but clearly, the show's writers are ripping off ideas from our very own Meredith Hitchcock. Man, TASPers rule the world!


Blogger Meredith said...

I watched the season finale with my dorm, and they all started jabbing me when that line came around. But yes, this season of Gilmore Girls has been lackluster, and it should have been finished last season.

DAMN YOU, WB! Is there no justice in the world?

3:47 PM, May 11, 2006


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