A quick update
I don't have much time to blog, as I have just returned from a whirlwind of prom, economics competition in DC (We got to finals! No victory, though), and now, procrastination for AP exams. More importantly though, a kid from my school, and my stand partner in orchestra is a future '06 TASPer! Now, you know me, so I'm going to tell him wild lies about TASP life. Any suggestions?
Easily the best wild lie is, without a doubt:
"TASP. Oh you know. Seminar and papers and HOT NERD SEX!
12:13 AM, May 02, 2006
7:34 AM, May 02, 2006
Heeeeeh Dylan.
Tell him the pubspeaks are graded... and those who give bad ones don't get dinner.
8:11 AM, May 02, 2006
You have to get a pass everytime you leave the house.
3:24 PM, May 02, 2006
You get grounded if you fall asleep in class. Wait . . . that's not a lie either.
5:50 PM, May 02, 2006
Tell them at least one kid will go insane, it's a fact.....lie?
7:45 PM, May 02, 2006
I'm very partial to the 3 AM toga party line myself. (I mean we are supposed to be deep thinkers)
9:00 PM, May 02, 2006
You should tell them that TASPers are inclined to revolting. Haha, how funny would that be...OH WAIT.
Say that part of being a well-rounded person, part of the goal of TASP, is fending for yourself. You have to learn how to kill, skin and cook a squirrel while you're there.
10:08 PM, May 02, 2006
oh mere, snap snap.
though i don't know if i actually want to ingest the thing.
3:12 PM, May 03, 2006
Sorry, Sanju. Kill, skin, cook, AND ingest the squirrel. No squeamishness or slackers allowed.
4:25 PM, May 03, 2006
Add a skunk to the squirrel and make it rodent soup!
7:31 PM, May 03, 2006
But if you're a vegetarian, don't worry. Chase will make you a special pot of tofu-rat stew.
4:20 PM, May 04, 2006
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