Ann Arbor weekend!
I spent Friday and Saturday in Ann Arbor for the forensics state final tournment! Well, Ypsilanti actually, but the hotel was in Ann Arbor. When we drove past the Whole Foods Market (remember our first shopping experience in A2, Emily and Isaac?) I felt like I had to share my return with a TASPer, so I called Meredith. Well, the complete randomness and the fact that it was a Friday night when Meri was probably out somewhere and I was on a bus with 30 screaming forensicators made the phone call incredibly awkward (sorry about that, I'm blushing just thinking about it), but it was really cool to go back. The weekend turned out alright, because I got first, but it was completely insane. I used to think orators were really nice people who honestly want to change the world, but I discovered that a number of them are just rude, self-righteous idiots. As it turns out, TASPers are the only group of people who are reliably really nice people who want to change the world. It was fun to win, and I can't remember a year when I had more fun with my team or my friends from other schools, but at the same time, one of my good friends was disqualified and I think she should have won, really. So it was a bitter-sweet return. All I can say is, I can't wait to go back many times next year to visit Ridley! I'm so glad you're going to be in Michigan!!! And now, I need to go sleep for a very long time.
Man, TASPers win everything! And that's so true Emma, I've come to a similar realization about the authenticity of TASPers. But for those who are not TASPers and share similar qualities, I cheat and call them "Qualitaspified", a weird merge of qualified and TASP.
9:30 AM, May 08, 2006
Haha, I was very excited that you called. I was at an MIT Logarhythms concert, which was almost as excellent as the surprise call.
1:24 PM, May 08, 2006
Ooh, was the concert as cool as the name of the group?
2:49 PM, May 08, 2006
AAAAAHHH!!! You were at an MIT Logarhythms concert?
I'm so envious...
Emma, did you get to see e-waste girl once more?
2:50 PM, May 08, 2006
The concert was excellent and well choreographed. They come every year, and they're definitely a highlight among the scheduled events.
And yes, TASPers continue their reign of victory.
6:49 PM, May 08, 2006
Yeah, I saw e-waste. She was really quite good this year, and she won in oratory 9/10. I'm in oratory open, which just means it has people from all grades, not just 9th and 10th graders. Also, she quoted a poster from the fish bowl:
"passwords are like underwear; you should change them often."
needless to say, I changed all my passwords today. And my underwear.
9:05 PM, May 08, 2006
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