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Thursday, May 11, 2006

I thought that you should all know

that I really like this poem:


If you really exist - show up
as a bear, a goat, a pilot,
come with eyes mouth, voice,
-demand something from me,
force me to sacrifice myself,
take me in your arms, protect me from above,
feed me with the seventh part of one fish,
hiss at me, reanimate my fingers,
refill me with aromas, with astonishment
-resurrect me.

-Nina Cassian
translated by Brenda Walker and Andrea Deletant

Wow. This is going to be my poetic inspiration for the next week.

Oh and by the way, today signalled the END OF MY AP CAREER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is such a joyous day!
Freedom, fun and glorious sun for the next four months.


Blogger berno said...

Yay for no more AP's
Way to go samyu

10:05 AM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

I like that poem too. For some reason, it makes me go aww...

Yay for having no more standardized testing... I still have exactly a week to go before unbridled freedom, jubilation, and VISA applications can begin.

Sam, how was physics? And which math option is your class doing?

1:10 PM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Physics was fine. Paper 1 scared me a little bit (I was nervous, and some questions were tough), but it turned out OK, and Paper 2 was pretty straightforward. And despite my fears of Optics, Paper 3 went well.

You know that one on Paper 1 with the alpha particle approaching the gold nucleus? Which path does it take? We're all stumped over here in the Low Countries.

Analysis and Approximation is our Option (hup calculus!). I still have to get my mind wrapped around Taylor series tomorrow before I'm ready . . .

5:09 PM, May 12, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

I think that the answer was B, which is the gently curving path. Its near identical partner, option A, was a little too far to the left, because the path should sort of be symmetrical around the gold nucleus... if that made any sense, and the other plausible option (D) changed direction too abruptly.

At least that's what everyone else seems to agree. Silly me took D.

And I'm doing further math as well, which also starts on monday. It's a little freaky how much I haven't learned and have to cram for now.

Our HL class option is statistics... which is basically a lot of repetitive entering of data into the calculator, which then spits out answers you have no real way of knowing are correct.

4:26 AM, May 13, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

I picked D too. My logic was that the curvy path was supposed to be a 1/r relationship, instead of the actual 1/(r^2) relationship. But I don't know any better than you.

11:17 AM, May 13, 2006


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