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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Time and Tribalistas

Some people think of names that they want to give their children when they start a family, but I think of lullabies I want to sing them when I put them to bed. New on my list is this song by the Tribalistas called Mary Cristo. Other than this one perfect lullaby, the rest of the songs on their self-titled album are pretty awsome and normal in the sense that they aren't songs you necessarily want to fall asleep to when you're four years old.

I'm listening to the cd right now while I sit with a bag of frozen peas on my right ankle. My dad hit me pretty hard with a softball when he fast-pitched it to me at the park near our house. It hurts like hell, but it's certianly nothing to compare with Sam's broken nose. As a result of my limited mobility I find myself suddenly with a lot of time and very little to do, so I'm alternating between scanning the internet and scanning the houses edition of Fine Homebuilding magazine. I'm within the last twenty days of school now, and everything's winding down rather nicely. Last night was senior banquet, my school's equivalent of prom. I went without a date, and I decided that's the best way to go to a school dance. We have it at a museum downtown, and there's dinner ahead of time with the dance floor under a blue whale skeleton and free rides on the old carousel that overlooks the river. Not having a date made it easier to dance with lots of people, and fortunately for me and the friend I went with, all of our guy friends' dates disappeared when the dancing started so we still had guys to slow dance with. Maybe I'll post some pictures later. Anyhow, it made me think that prom really is something not to miss, even if it is just a shameless show high school-ness.

I really think it would be fun to have some sort of inter-tasp forum, and I think we should try to help set one up in any way possible. Well, I haven't got anything else to say, so I'll have to find some way to kill some time while these peas thaw...

Top five lullabies:
1. Adieu Foulard, Adieu Madras
2. Mary Cristo; Tribalistas
3. Sweet Baby James; James Taylor
4. Slumber My Darling; Alison Krauss
5. The Day You Gave us, Lord, is Ended


Blogger Henrik Herb said...

My computer wont let me listen to Tribulistas for some reason...on a scale from one to ten, are they worth the extra effort?

7:25 PM, April 30, 2006

Blogger Meredith said...

I think I'm going to prom stag, too.

8:32 PM, April 30, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Sweet Baby James . . . snap snap! Get better quick, Emma.

And Ridley, did you end up opting for prom or state-academic-thingie?

7:25 AM, May 01, 2006

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Wow, sweet news, and deserving of a post by itself! Congrats Rid!

12:00 AM, May 02, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

Yay for Ridley!

5:46 AM, May 02, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...


Yay for academic domination by TASPers.

3:32 PM, May 02, 2006


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