So I forgot
to tell you this incredibly (at least to me) cool piece of information. While I was killing ten minutes on the cornell campus waiting for an interview with the atmo dude, I and my dad wandered into the library and on a whim typed in my dad's name into the search engine. And it popped up that MY DAD'S MASTERS THESIS AND PHD WORK ARE IN THE CORNELL LIBRARY. How weird is that? I almost regret not going there so I could smugly say to my friends "my dads stuff is in this library and he didn't even have to donate an exorbant amount to get it there". Almost.
As an added coincedence, he did his thesis on riparian buffer zones in the west.
Anyway, that's all. I just felt like bragging there for a bit.
top 5 right now.
1. every time we touch--cascada
2. start with mrs beanhart--rob mcconnell and the boss brass
3. rhoids blues--dave barduhn
4. lie in our graves (gorge version)--dave matthews band
5. italian symphony, 4th movement--mendellsohn
miss you all
Word. Okay parents, represent!
8:20 PM, May 01, 2006
i'd have to say that's pretty damn nifty. did he get it published? did he go to Cornell? or did his thesis miraculously find its way to the world renown Cornell Library?
11:10 PM, May 01, 2006
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