Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Is it just me, or does jason look strikingly like this kangaroo?
Hmm . . . maybe. I remember we had a lengthy discussion at TASP about the animal resemblances of various TASPers. Adam looked like a squirrel, I remember, and I was a deer, but that's all I can recall. Anybody else have any recollections of this?
I thought everyone had them... I think my computer was a sort of staging area for uploading pictures to the photobuckets, so I got a lot of pictures from other people's cameras. Honestly, I had over 1200 pictures at the end of tasp. Recently I cut that down to only the best 700 or so. : )
Hmm . . . maybe. I remember we had a lengthy discussion at TASP about the animal resemblances of various TASPers. Adam looked like a squirrel, I remember, and I was a deer, but that's all I can recall. Anybody else have any recollections of this?
5:11 PM, May 12, 2006
In a strange way, yes, Jason does kind of look like that kangaroo. I vaguely remember the animal resemblances conversation, but not the details.
9:39 PM, May 12, 2006
*hides in embarrassment*
The resemblance is disconcerting.
Emma where do you keep digging up these photos from that we've never seen before (eg. Bern's down below)?
4:33 AM, May 13, 2006
I thought everyone had them...
I think my computer was a sort of staging area for uploading pictures to the photobuckets, so I got a lot of pictures from other people's cameras. Honestly, I had over 1200 pictures at the end of tasp. Recently I cut that down to only the best 700 or so. : )
9:43 AM, May 13, 2006
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