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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Musicking Quilts

So my sister and I spent two entire days this week finishing two massive quilt fronts made out of old T-shirts for a family-history/church-related service project. The T-shirts all have some significance in my family's past - some are emblazoned with the mascots of our old schools, some we got free at the 5k races we used to run together, one has my the names of my dad's high school graduating class on it, etc. We cut them up into 60 12-inch squares and sewed them all together. Incidentally, I can thread the sewing machine in my sleep now, and I've gotten pretty good at picking out bad stitches with a pin and a pair of scissors. I also discovered that sewing is an activity ideally suited to musicking - while it involves sitting still in a single position for a long time (eliminating the possibility of annoying earphone-cord tangles) it requires less intellectual engagement than most schoolwork. So I can justify the title of this post using our handy-dandy new definition.

Any fans of Ender's Game (besides Ridley) in the audience tonight? I reread that this week, when I didn't have my nose to the sewing machine. It was so much better than I remembered (maybe because the last time I read it I believe I was about 9?). Anyway, I was totally thrilled by it, and then I read this essay,, which left a really bad taste in my mouth. I completely disagree with this guy, but maybe I'm biased because I like the book so much. Any thoughts? Sam vs. Dr. John Kessel?

Top 5 quilting songs:

5. Something so Right - Paul Simon
4. Use Your Brain - DDBB
3. I Want You - Bob Dylan
2. Man in Black - Johnny Cash
1. Roller Derby Queen - Jim Croce

Song that I didn't listen to while quilting but still totally rocks my socks:
I'm a Soldier in the Army of the Lord - Lyle Lovett



Blogger Sam said...

Oh, and I just saw this ( on the St. Louis blog. Anybody up to the challenge of summarizing Small? And do we really want to know all about their TASP genealogy?

And by the way, is there a way to change the word "this" up there into a link? Can someone please enlighten me?

6:17 PM, June 04, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

<a href="URL GOES HERE">text of link goes here</a>

8:32 PM, June 04, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...


the coolest site ever

8:39 AM, June 05, 2006

Blogger Sanjukta said...

yay! it worked!

8:39 AM, June 05, 2006

Blogger Dylan said...

don't forget the http:// part, samyu.

10:45 AM, June 05, 2006


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