Its so good to be back in civilization. I spent the last three weeks in WV, where we had slow satellite internet so long as there were no clouds. Which in West Virginia means approximately ten minutes every 9 days. Hence my not blogging.
I was there for the national youth science camp. As corny and nerd-campish as that sounds, it actually was pretty good. No TASP, but there were still some majorly chill people there. And there were some nerds. And I mean nerds. Guys who kind of redefined the noun. Guys who considered it a dating asset to be able to quote the first 20 digits of pi, e, sq rt 2, sq rt 3, sqrt 5, 7 and 11.
I'm not joking. I could give you his phone number if you would like it.
But to give you a brief rundown of what I did--
I sequenced my own DNA
I learned how to make biodiesel
I saw the largest fully mobile radio telescope in the world
I developed a crush (kind of to be expected)
I learned to juggle
I went caving
I met Barak Obama
I cheered for Italy in the world cup match (even though I really wanted Germany or Portugal)
I learned the math behind fractals
I took down kids twice my size in ultimate
I taught a few guys the difference between ultimate and penis frisbee
I taught several guys how to tie a tie (you're 18 and you never learned?)
I got to see several million dollars worth of original MC Escher prints
I developed a taste for chamomile tea
All in all a pretty productive three weeks.
But I'm back home now. Six more weeks. Six, and then I can go to college and stop fighting with my parents. We got along for all of two hours when I got back. Then it was back to normal and we were all reminded of why I need to get out of La Grande. I just realized that I have not produced a complete sentence in this entire post.
Except that last one.
Yay for fragments.
OK bye.
miss you all
Yeah--- no.
There are many things I am prepared to publish on the internet. An elaboration of that particular topic is not one of them. Suffice it to say that she was very nice and made me smile.
12:18 AM, July 19, 2006
The pi (and e, sqrt 2,3,5,7,11) guy sounds mildly fascinating. Did you try and test him?
6:46 PM, July 19, 2006
What's penis frisbee? I don't know how to tie a tie! Oh Bern, save me from this abysmal callowness.
10:50 AM, July 20, 2006
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