Wtf Zidane?!
Well, Italy win the World Cup.
And I thought that Zidane's headbutt was hilarious.
Your thoughts welcome.
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It's a pity that this will probably be just as prominent a news item as Italy's victory.
6:07 PM, July 09, 2006
I don't know that that's such a pity. I mean, I REALLY want to know the story behind this. Zidane is a man who doesn't lose his temper too easily on the field, and I've got a hunch that whatever Materazzi said to him could have some social importance. Maybe, his reaction to a racial slur (? perhaps, wouldn't be the first time, eh Jean-Marie le Pen?) is a symbol for France's ethnic minority's reaction to all the stuff that goes on in France. I mean, sure last November's riots were a pretty visable sign of the tension in that country, but not as visable as the final game of the world cup would be. Of course, Materazzi isn't Le Pen, and who knows what he said. But from the replay, I'd say it wasn't the foul alone that made Zidane so mad.
Whatever. ^__^
I suppose a red card is a shit way to end a career, but at least it's memorable. And I'm with you Isaac.
7:33 PM, July 09, 2006
Anybody know how to lip-read?
7:46 PM, July 09, 2006
Materazzi apparently has a reputation as a bit of a psychopath (really), but it does not excuse Zidane for an act of idiocy equalled only by the French tendency to start ground wars in Asia. As if you could get away with that in front of the whole freaking world!
7:51 PM, July 09, 2006
well, yes. That's true.
7:53 PM, July 09, 2006
But on second thought, and after smiling at Isaac's post again, I don't know...if (and this is a really big if) someone said something awful to you, I mean really awful, wouldn't you want to do something? Ahh, you're right, it doesn't mean you can just get violent. He should of shaken it off and won the game for France. Zizou, you have disappointed me.
7:58 PM, July 09, 2006
I'm with Charles 100%. What was he thinking? You'd think 20 years of experience and the World Cup at stake would be a good incentive to stay between the lines. And I was so impressed by what a clean game the french were playing throughout the tournament - no iffy game-winning penalty shots *cough cough Italy vs. Australia cough cough*, and not even any shootouts. Besides the general lack of red-carding, drama-queen injuries, and unsportsmanlike conduct. What a way to end your career . . . most folks in this part of the world were backing Italy, though, so we got treated to a fair amount of riot and revelry - cars zooming up and down dirt roads honking frantically, bare-chested young guys waving blue cloths, people chanting "Italia." You get the idea.
5:44 PM, July 10, 2006
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