Oh man,
How are all the good ol' TASPers doing!? It's been a while since I've posted, I know, and yes I've been busy.......
Getting into OBERLIN! HAHA!
Last week I was accepted into the college early decision, and since then my workload here at the Idyllwild Arts Academy has been relatively obliterated (I still have 13 classes, but now they're much more manageable). The college process was so arduous and hectic and stimulating and degrading - man o man, I wish I would have just done it earlier. But all in all, things here in Idyllwild are going quite swell. My Jazz Guitar is improving drastically, I'm slowly understanding the fine techniques of shading when painting, I've developed a keen environmental eye, and my spanish has taken that intermediate step from literal to vocal. And of course, there are those other classes that are chewing my brain - like Isaac once mentioned in an earlier post, I feel like goblins are throwing their chemical potions into my cauldron like brain, as it slowly brews an encompassing vision.
In about a month I have an audition for the Oberlin Conservatory, the ultimate test of my skills. I'm not banking on anything, considering I've only begun Jazz Guitar this year, but according to some students who are there right now, competition is not fierce. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
But if I do get in, that means I'll be doing the rigorous, 5-year long Double Degree program. Something I've been warned about from other people, something I've been attracted to ever since I heard about the college.
But alas, I gotta go, this Blog is quite uneventful yet informative, but I have so much more to say! One day, when I have more time.
It seems all is well, as one could expect of you all. I can't wait until I see some of you again (any californians up for Spring Break?), and best wishes for the future.
1. Whippersnapper - Wayne Krantz
2. Blue Tail Fly - Leadbelly
3. The entire Ry Cooder & Ali Farke Toure album
4. Birds, Wires - Michael Chorney
5. 4 on 6 - Wes Montgomerey
I'm so happy and excited for you Henrik!!!
And you'll ace that shit, trust me. But if they have other plans for the jazz guitar, just tell them you play the banjo. And they'll be bowled over.
good luck!
6:31 PM, February 02, 2007
Sanjukta, did you just cuss? Heavens to betsy say it aint so...
Henrik, you're a badass. As always you have my undying admiration and best wishes. I'd love to see you soon. Maybe I'll have a couple minutes over break where I'm not entirely consumed by matters of import tugging me along like that carrot just outside the hampster wheel...
Peace yo!
2:51 AM, February 03, 2007
Wooohooo Henrik! Congratulations! Oberlin is a great school with a first rate conservatory (and I snap to Sanju about your chances of getting into the conservatory, as well as to Isaac about Sanju's foul e-mouth). Anyway, a five year double degree seems pretty intense, but it sounds like it'll be a cinch after what you've managed at Idyllwild. Have a great postgraduate spring in sunny CA!
Congats again,
10:04 AM, February 03, 2007
Wooo! Nice job, Henrik. Best of luck with the Double Degree program - it sounds pretty intense, but right up your alley. And if you end up in the five-year program, you can join me as a member of the Class of 2012.
I signed up for a public service trip to Long Beach over Spring Break, but I may have a day or two to spare . . . we should definitely be in touch.
2:16 PM, February 03, 2007
I hate yall.
Sam, I just met your aunt, Dean Brzinski. She's the sweetest woman ever!
4:54 PM, February 03, 2007
Sam...class of 2012...
I get it...your mission.
Do you know where you're going?
6:38 PM, February 03, 2007
Hurrah for your triumphant return to the blog! Congrats on college, and good luck with the rest of it.
8:47 PM, February 04, 2007
Aunt Joanne is nice. She was telling me the other day that I really need to go to office hours and meet faculty if I want to have success in college.
And I don't know where I'm going yet - I'll probably submit my paperwork in May, hopefully find out in July at some point, and then leave towards the beginning of September. It's kind of exciting.
3:03 AM, February 05, 2007
Yahoo! Whooppee! Congrats! And Sam, how have to managed to become oh-twelve?
9:47 AM, February 05, 2007
Oh, also of note: Ali Farka Toure's last album, "Savane," is wicked good.
11:18 PM, February 05, 2007
ohmygod, nonono, Imean yesyesyes... Meredith... Savane is soooo awesome. That's been on lock for like the past three months straight... That first cut off there- "Yer Bounda" is out the damn stratosphere.
and, yeah, congrats Henrik. Like this is any kind of an even slight surprise...
Its been too long. You still planning on coming up here next month? we need to pow-wow.
Be well ya'll.
3:21 AM, February 07, 2007
Yay Henrik! *does triumphantly happy dance*
And yeah Sam, what's with being '12? I regret being so out of touch :(
12:59 AM, February 08, 2007
Congratulations Henrik (although this is probably way too late, I don't frequent the blog much).
In retrospect, a five-year program would have been a better idea, but I'm really happy you're doing it.
Good luck with your audition!
1:34 PM, February 20, 2007
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