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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Interesting anecdote: I recently signed up for MIT's prefrosh visit program, and the form had a place for "top five interests." Not content with such a shallow representation of my personality, I instead wrote down a like of my favorite Beatles songs. Here it is:

1. Day Tripper
2. Eleanor Rigby
3. Let It Be
4. Lady Madonna
5. Honey Pie

I'm in love but I'm laaaaaaazy,


Blogger Henrik Herb said...

1. Tomorrow Never Knows
2. Lady Madonna
3. I Am The Walrus
4. She Came In Through the Bathroom Window
5. Norweigan Wood

10:03 PM, March 04, 2007

Blogger Charles Wu said...

I'm telling you, a list of this tells much more about a person than "cars, food, shopping, traveling.. etc etc" ever could. Anyone else?

6:20 PM, March 05, 2007

Blogger Emma said...

1. Two of us
2. Norwegian wood
3. With a little help from my friends
4. Here comes the sun
5. When I'm Sixty-Four

6:46 PM, March 05, 2007

Blogger Dylan said...

I like counting down from 5:

5. Yesterday
4. In My Life (my 8th Grade graduation song)
3. Day Tripper
2. With a Little Help from My Friends
1. Here Comes the Sun

3:04 PM, March 06, 2007

Blogger Emma said...

so, I'm thinking we need more Beatles on the music server.

5:44 AM, March 08, 2007

Blogger Charles Wu said...


11:33 AM, March 08, 2007

Blogger Henrik Herb said...

Gimme some time and I'll contribute some stuff to that server, pretty hectic life right now

10:35 PM, March 11, 2007

Blogger Sam said...

Now that I can comment, I have to join this discussion.

5. Hey Jude
4. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
3. Day Tripper
2. From Me To You
1. Hard Day's Night

8:17 PM, April 15, 2007


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