Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

use your suffrage guys!

Hey, I just found out that the seven wonders of the world are being relisted on July 7th this year (get it - 7/7/07), and the manner of selection involves US voting! (haha that's "us," not America -- psps I love that video!!)

Anyway, someone sent me the link to the voting site -

You can apparently vote by a number of mediums, but this is the internet way.

You should vote! But even if you don't it's still pretty neat to check out the contenders. They're kinda magnificent. =)



Blogger Jason Chua said...

I remember voting waaay back in the dark ages of the internet (something like ninth grade). Is there any way to see which wonders are in the lead?

10:02 PM, March 03, 2007


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