Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

crying photobuckets of tears

Actually I haven't cried at all, though I didn't expect to--I'm sure we'll keep in touch and probably see each other again at some point. To solve the photobucket problems, I think we ought to open up a second album for at TASP pictures and keep it separate from after TASP photos. I know I practically have enough left over TASP pictures to fill another album, and I think Jason could cap off whatever's left after that. ^^ (that's a smile in case anyone can't tell).

Meredith and Nestor: we want your contact info!

Please send it.

Also, would anyone be up for a game of graffiti at the old house meeting time: 8pm on Monday? Would that work for you guys in Europe?


Blogger Dylan said...

I agree on both the seperate post-TASP photobucket and the grafitti game. But I advocate a game sooner.


You can play it on AIM. You set up a main chat room for the discussion. Then the moderator just chats seperately with the mafia and the police, etc. Only downside is that the moderator has to assign roles (though a comp-savvy TASPer might be able to write a randomizer program...

Who's in?

6:56 PM, August 09, 2005

Blogger Sophie said...

oh, me, me!

there are a bunch of other downsides too though. i mean, it's a different game. but no matter.

3:25 PM, August 11, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Count me in! Although I'm not sure how the time difference would work out...
Here's an idea. What if you gave everybody free reign to have private chats with everyone else? It would be the most confusing thing EVER, but would make for some interesting behind-the-scenes negotiation and trickery. Yea? Nay?

5:56 PM, August 11, 2005

Blogger Dylan said...

A resounding YEA, accompanied by thunderous snapping. Private chats --> insane mafia action.

It's true that the game is different--the difference between it and live mafia is sort of like the difference between live and online poker--but, as Jason points out, there's a new twist added (private chats) for every old twist ("reading" expressions and body language) lost.

7:40 PM, August 11, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

I don't know . . . You'd have to play a pretty citizens-heavy version, because it would be the mafia's game; many of the old twists hurt the mafia (doing crazy stuff at night, facial expressions when first looking at cards, etc.) while the new twist is hugely in their favor. I think most accusations would have to be pretty arbitrary. Still, it's certainly worth a shot.

By the way, the moderator doesn't necessarily have to consciously assign roles. He/she can always just get out a deck of cards and deal out cards as if the players were actually going to take them. Hence, randomization.


10:18 AM, August 13, 2005


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