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Monday, September 19, 2005

Lamest Day Ever...

National Talk Like a Pirate Day???

Imagine my disgust as I woke this morning to DJ Steve Ocean announcing on Tiger 95.9 that it was National frickin Talk Like a Pirate Day. I could just picture Adam with that annoying sly smirk on his face and a patch over his left eye. Bleh. Like Sam, I am super pumped about the DAY OF THE NINJA! Doesn't it just sound cool?

Congrats on your goal, Enrique! I played a little soccer back in my prime (haha...7th grade) and lemme tell ya, I was FIERCE.

Show choir is slowly sucking the life out of me. My choir director has appointed me "Soprano Leader" and mentioned something about dance captain, which scares the living daylights out of me. I already feel overwhelmed, and it's only September. OH! DYLAN! You won't believe what song is going to be the opener of our show this year! "Eye of the frickin Tiger" (well, without the frickin part) I immediately thought of you when I found out.

Hate to disappoint you all, but my caffeine habit has been kicked up a notch thanks to my frickin AP Spanish teacher and her insanely lengthy homework assignments ( I swear the woman thinks her class is the only class offered at Auburn High). My leg won't stop shaking and my eyes are doing this weird twitch thing. I wonder if it's because of the large White Chocolate Mocha I had this morning or the 20 oz Diet Coke with Lime I had during it's definitely the can of Red Bull I downed afterschool. Yea, that's gotta be it.

Love you all and hope all is well,


Blogger Meredith said...

Oh my gosh. I think they should have you in a test of how much caffeine a person can consume before the body shuts down. I think you'd come out on top for most caffeine before ultimate collapse.

9:52 PM, September 19, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Disappointed. Very very disappointed. *sends guilty thoughts to Emily*

Wow, your caffeine intake is simply insane. Congrats are in order for your appointment to "Soprano leader", right? Dance captain sounds like an interesting position. Does it involve lots of power over other choir members and the right to shout and throw tantrums while exclaiming "frickin' frick!"? Because that would be very entertaining to watch.

6:06 AM, September 20, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Strangely enough, my eye has started that weird twitch thing too. Not caffeine-induced though; maybe latent excitement from the discovery of ninja day?

4:46 PM, September 20, 2005


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