Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Hi Everybody! (quoting that obnoxious doctor from the Simpsons)

I'm in the middle of a procrastination spasm, and the delight I take in this writing is the climax, or the orgasm (notice the rhyme, I'm not simply a perverted child, that is a mere phantasm).

Jason, you're trip sounds dangerously intriguing, and did you know that Pink Floyd also recorded stuff there?

Man, I can't believe I'm saying this guys, but I really would like to quit soccer. It's an energetic vaccum that takes forever! I'm so behind in everything, for a while I was convinced I had mono because I slept for about 18 hours in one day (it could also be due to the fact that every waking hour I tried to read Crime and Punishment, and, unfortunately thereafter sunk into oblivion (I was mocking Raskolnikov during his revitalization stage after the murder, when Razumikhin kept on revisiting).). Luckily, I've been taking a little break, but it hasn't helped much at all. I'm still not finished, senior squares are due tomorrow, I have to write a blasted thesis on the spread of Christianity and Buddhism, do my long due Calculus homework, prepare for the Calliope (Literary Journal) meeting tomorrow, and check with a doctor to see if I really do have mono (how do you spell it?).

On top of it all, our soccer team sucks and we have won one game, which is the first in the past two years of the school's history (no not all sports).

Sam, I replied to your email, and I'm assuming that it did not go through, like all of my other emails to you. Therefore, I will hope that you read this, and if you don't, everyone who does send an email to Sam reminding him! I cannot miss this opportunity to be the first to reunite with a fellow TASPer!

We can eat at multiple places for Breakfast, we should just meet at my house befopre hand or something. respond and we can talk more about it.


- Gravity, dumbass.

- It fell asleep.

- Its baby iterated itself continuously (mathematically), therefore being too much weight for the poor koala to carry.

- To get to the ground

- John Sinclair took too much acid and jumped in the tree, taking its place.

- Uhh... Nestor told it to chill (where the hell is he?)

- Burn pretended to throw a knife at it with his stage combat, all it could do was jump.

- Sophie said one sentence and it fell in confusion (thanks for the letter by the way)

- Charles pulled out a hand grenade after strolling in on his motorcycle from SanAndres and threw it at it.

- Chris jousted with it.

- Adam tried to skat Louis Armstrong style and it was lured to him like a magnet.

- I suggested that some interdisciplinary habitats would be nice. Of course it's impossoble, but what do Koala's know?



Blogger Jason Chua said...

Interdisciplinary habitats? Like eucalyptus trees growing around trampolines so that the koalas don't crack their cute little skulls? Or velcro-ed bark, for improved grip? I'm confused.

When's Sam visiting?

3:04 PM, October 04, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

that was the funniest description of bumming around i've ever read. and the first time i've ever seen the word phantasm used by one of my peers.

3:36 PM, October 04, 2005


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