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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hallo all you beautiful people!

It's been so long since I've posted, that it feels weird looking at this sanitarian screen - but you know, everytime I decide to put something up, I lose all memory of what has happened in my life of late, and I type up abs. crap.
Well, senior awards are done - I was a runner-up for (surprisingly enough) "Biggest Klutz," and "Clueless." I think you already know about the latter, either because I told you previously, or because after our experiences together, you knew for a fact that I am completely out of the whole American culture. I was also nominated for "E-Mc2" and, haha, "ESL favorite" but I finally ended up with the "Ooh, who's that girl? Introduce me!" award.
But considering that I was new last year, I think it's pretty awesome to be recognized. To those who don't understand what it exactly means (because I was really confused after my three best friends voted me for this) it means the person who you see almost everywhere but probably don't know personally.
My fav. Korean friend made me a compilation of country music recently, and I have to say that Keith Urban rocks my socks. I used to be in love with Shania Twain, but that passion is now gone.

I also have to make a comment on cutting actual trees for Christmas. Plastic is the way to go. It's reusable, considering that you're going to be celebrating many Christmases to come, and (ironically enough) going to protect the environment. Guys, we tried so hard to recycle and save energy by air-drying our clothes and all, how can you agree to cut down these trees?

So as soon as I turned 17, I decided that I needed to watch an R-rated movie to make it official. (Did I ever tell you that my mom still insists that I watch PG-13 movies with parental guidance, and covers my eyes when the dudes kiss?) So I drove down to the library, and picked up Amelie, after winning the fight with my mom. But to be honest, the movie was kind of eh..*shrugs shoulders. It was pretty artistic, for which I have to give it credit, kind of like Frida in that sense, but was pretty drawn out. Besides, I hate watching painfully shy people lead pitiful lives holed up in stupid complexes. But at least Amelie finally finds her true love. Yips!

I keep getting pop-up windows, though I do have a a blocker. Why is this happening? And they come in the form of new Internet Explorer windows, rather than little ad boxes. Also, I keep getting this box that looks like it's of good authority, that tells me about some new Microsoft Premium feature, but if I touch it, all my windows close down. @$%#@$^@$^%$^@!#%!!!!!!

In other good news, I have sent in the applications for Emory, WashU (yay Charles!), and Cornell. 12 more to go.

Happy Thanksgiving!
ps: I just read over this post and am shocked by it's horrific choppiness. My apologies.


Blogger Jason Chua said...

Well, since most of the trees are grown for the sole purpose of giving our homes a more festive feel, and since you could argue that they purified the air and whatnot while they were alive, I'm not against the whole real-tree thing.

6:47 AM, November 25, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

How can you argue that plastic is better for the environment? Real trees are cut up and used for mulch after they're used (read: recycled), and plastic trees are not recycled when they're finished (albeit they last much longer), they're thrown away. Wood is a renewable resource, and Christmas trees are replanted more faithfully than any other type of tree on the planet. Real trees are so much more environmentally friendly.

11:46 AM, November 25, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Heh, looking back, Emma sounds harsh. but anyway, go real trees! :D

You're using Internet Explorer? Ick... yeuch... *collapses on floor*. Try Mozilla Firefox. Increasingly common free internet browser, vastly more secure than IE, google it.

Or wait, are you actually using firefox but your computer's freaking out anyway? In that case, good luck.

PS - 15 schools is an improvement on the 20+ that were initially on your "final" list. May your app filling be as swift and tedium-free as possible.

5:01 PM, November 25, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

I am a real-tree fan too, if for less pragmatic reasons. Real trees smell nice and make Christmas feel more authentic (to use a good musicology word), maybe even spiritual. For me, ny kind of plastic Christmas paraphernalia, trees included, seems to exude cheap commercialism. OK, that's really harsh - more than I meant to be. I'm not about to run out and join that organization or anything, but I am a definite real-tree fan.

5:08 PM, November 25, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Any body a fan of Friends? What Emma said about mulching triggered something, because now I'm thinking of the one where Phoebe is trying to get people to buy the old, unwanted christmas trees and she screams and screams when they go into... THE SHREDDER! It's a funny episode.

5:25 PM, November 25, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

If applying to college were an Olympic sport, you would win a gold medal. How many colleges is that? 15? You'd beat the rest of us with stamina alone.

Also, I think erratic, tangential entries are the spice of blogs.

11:24 PM, November 25, 2005

Blogger berno said...

Here in oregon we use old christmas trees to restore and protect our marshes from erosion (there is one near my house). a properly placed tree will keep the soil in place, return nutrients to the ground and provide shelter for wildlife. also, it takes like fifteen trees worth of clear cut to harvest enough oil to make the plastic for a fake. Finally, out here in bark beetle country, harvesting your own tree in the forest is very good because you are removing a possible pest host.

sorry for that lecture :)


12:12 AM, November 26, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

I'm sorry Samyu! I really didn't mean to sound harsh, and I'm not upset. I didn't use an exclaimation marks after all. But it does sound harsh, doesn't it? I should have read over it before I posted. Sorry, a thousand times sorry! (to alter slightly a line from Pride and Prejudice!)

11:10 AM, November 26, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

That's ok, lol. By the way, I totally know what show you're talking abt, jsn. Hahahha. I guess I can see where you are coming from, Bern. Do you guys know about the festival Diwali? It's the Hindu New Year day, usually during the first week of November. PPl set off firecrackers and light lamps and basically fill the air with blinding smoke for three days. (I don't participate because I'm env-against it) But the story goes that this festival happens to fall in this season because it is right after the monsoon when the rains and stagnant water give rise to millions of bugs and mosquitoes, and the smoke and fire that Diwali causes actually exterminates atleast 90% of that.

Ok, I just made up that stat.

6:15 PM, November 26, 2005

Blogger Dylan said...

Go real trees. And firefox.

10:43 PM, November 26, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

Ooh, that comment about Diwali may soon be integrated into my Theory of Knowledge essay (discussing religion and the power of reason) now, to be sent off and read by a critical British examiner. Although, on the plus side, if I do include it, I'm going to have to cite you. Btw, is there any official way to cite blogs?

5:09 PM, November 27, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

What?!!!! You can't cite me!! I used the worst possible colloquial style of language there is!!

Haha, just jk..
cite away.

8:42 PM, November 28, 2005

Blogger Sanjukta said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:15 PM, November 30, 2005


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