Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sam you are my HERO!

so I walk into the SATII today intending to take lit, bio and chem, but not feeling too grand about it because I haven't taken a chem class in 5 years and what do I find? the first question shows a list of molecules including N2 and asks 'which of these displays a triple covalent bond?' I could have laughed out loud.

yeah so looking back at my last post I figured I should keep you updated so you didn't think I had committed suicide or anything. All in all I am doing better here. Marching season is over which means that I am no longer drum major and can feel no responsibility if the band sucks. I'm currently transcribing the Bach double (Charles knows what I'm talking about; it's a violin piece) for me and a friend to play as a french horn--tuba duet. if it works it will be mad awesome.

in the play my character is supposed to be this british dude and I was having a hell of a time finding a decently british looking outfit for one of my costumes (this is eastern oregon). I put the question (which means whined) to my dad, at which time he was like "well, I guess you could use this" and proceeded to extract from the back of his closet A GENUINE HAND WOVEN IRISH TWEED JACKET. after I picked my jaw up off the floor I was like "wow, you have no idea how cool you have just become" Yay for parents with pasts that you didn't know about.

Standard time makes me sad. I have a class that starts at 6:50 and I used to whistle and dance my way to school every morning because it would be pitch black outside and no one could see me, but now it's light and I feel self-concious. On the plus side it means I dont need tea to wake me up anymore (yes, even I use caffiene occasionally).

anyway, its 6:30 and I am about to waste away I am so hungry. Time to go forage!

top 5 songs

1)Manteca-Arturo Sandoval
2)tequila-Michel Camilo
3)Wake up-Dave Weckl band
4)Unclean waters-Dirty dozen brass band
5)Old dominion-Eddie from Ohio

until later



Blogger Jason Chua said...

OK, I've started obsessing over Eddie from Ohio. They're great!

4:02 PM, November 06, 2005


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