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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cranium and other joys

I discovered that one of my friends had an unopened Cranium (thank God for caps...I'm not a cannibal, I swear). I was, naturally, horrified that she had this veritable metaphor for fun sitting in her house, unloved and unused. A bunch of my friends and I went out last night, and I convinced them to play a late-night, christening game of Cranium in my friend's basement. Rest assured, Cranium is still a supremely excellent game. Thankfully, I did not have to spell "asparagus" backwards. Someone else did, and he, too, was not up to the challenge. Cranium, of course, makes me sentimental for TASP, and I remembered how excited Dylan got when we pulled up the word worm with "callipygian" on it. But alas, that terrible Yoko Ono that is time broke up the band that is TASP. Hmm, that metaphor was a lot better in conception than in execution, but c'est la vie.

Also, I'm going to a poetry slam thing on Sunday night with some people. I'm wicked excited.

In sad news, however, since I've been driving around, trying to get some hours for my driving test, I've been listening to a lot of pop radio. In short: it's not very good. There's this song that I hate by this group called the Pussycat Dolls. "Don't You" or something like that; anyway, it's about being hotter than a boy's girlfriend and ten times better besides, and isn't the boy sad that he has the boring, fugly girl. Now, I'm an avid fan of The Donnas and Salt n Pepa, who fully endorse this sort of thing in their songs, but the Pussycat Dolls song is just kind of boring and not well written. Which brings me to a long rant about pop music that I might post later. It was sort of a reverse culture shock after living in a house with people who love and listen to an assortement of good music (and I include good pop music in that) and then coming back out into a world that insists on blasting my ears with the same, old auditory blasphemy. Anyway, enough nostalgia for now.

Hope everyone's still doing well.


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