Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Where in the world... ?

Hey there everybody! How's life?

I somehow got myself dragged to the cinema today to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Actually, this was exactly what I needed to shake me out of the Extended Essay writing, Emma reading, half-awake stupor that basically characterises this past week. The movie was, meh... funny. Lots of guns, knives, and stuff blowing up. Entertaining and instantly forgettable.

I also got into an argument with one of my friends. She refused to acknowledge that any program which forced one to live together with other students for academic purposes *gasp* and write a twelve page paper could be any fun at all. However, the others liked the idea of the Turquoise Revolution, and the concepts of snapping and jousting came across really well (ignore the fact that I almost got my thumb ripped off in a joust today).

So yay!

All in all though, I keep having difficulty describing the enormity of the TASP experience. But I guess that's to be expected.

In the past two days, the song Sliding Down (composed by Edgar Meyer and found on the albums Uncommon Ritual and Heartland: An Appalachian Anthology) has been strangely effective at making me all mellow and melancholy. The beginning and end remind me of my time with all you guys, for some unknown reason. It's not like we listened to this track at all, but still whenever I hear it now I start reminiscing about TASP. It's odd... and then my pants fall down.

What's up with people seeming to have vanished? Why is it that so many TASPers haven't even offered up one post on this blog? Where in the world are you guys (and more to the point, what are you doing there, I want to hear all about it)?

Sleepy best wishes,

By the way, Charles and Matt, that convo cracks me up, especially the middle where you get all upset and pouty because of women's urinals.

And Sam, your sister is astoundingly tiny and cute! For those who don't know what I'm gushing about, check out the third Photobucket.


Blogger Meredith said...

Mr. and Mrs. Smith was eggscellent. Two assassins discover that they enjoy witty, married banter, attempting to kill each other, and rough sex.

And yeah, TASP has been difficult to sum up. Somehow it's degenerated for my friends into "nerd camp."

3:30 AM, August 16, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

For my friends it's just that place I was doing stuff involving music while I wasn't at cross-country camp. But they like my head at least, although they're very hesitant about rubbing it...

11:07 AM, August 16, 2005


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