Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bubble Tea, Revisited

So, I got that bubble tea itch this week and I found out that a bubble tea and crepe(weird combination, I know) place opened in D.C. a few weeks ago. I finally checked it out today, hoping to relive my glorious times at Bubble Island, sipping the latest, strangest tea while some incompetent twentysomethings try to play Jenga at the next table. Sadly, I found my experience much like Charles'. It just wasn't the same. The tea was OK, but the bubbles were drek. Or however you spell it. Dreck? I had grown to love the chewy Bubble Island bubbles, complete with no flavor. These bubbles were taste's manifestation of sadness and were gooey, besides. I had almost given up hope when I remembered the original allure of the bubbles: you can shoot them at people. Upon remembering this, I nailed one of my unsuspecting friend's in the chest with a bubble. The gooey bubbles stick REALLY well to clothing. She, of course, retaliated by spitting a bubble back at me, along with half her tea, amateur that she is. It greatly reminded me of the first bubble tea fight ever, which I remember also involved a lot of tea-stained clothing.

In other news, looking at the photobucket definitely made me nostalgic and a little bit sad. The end!


Blogger Jason Chua said...

It's "dreck".

1:05 PM, August 16, 2005


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