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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Reporting Live from the Hague

Hi everybody,

Michigan weather has spoiled me. The other day the sun came out, so my family got really excited, and we went to the beach. Never mind that we all had to wear sweaters. In August. Oh well . . .

I would talk about all the stuff I did this week, but it was mainly just schoolwork I was assigned to do in June and am just starting now. I guess I haven't had too many post-TASP transition issues, mainly because I've been frantically trying to finish my notes on Macbeth. I also did a little research on college applications. I was pleased to discover that lots of colleges use the common application, which means I won't have to write ten essays, just four or five. Also, the lazy bums at Stanford haven't posted their application yet; "Check back in August," their on-the-ball website advises. Anyway . . . sorry to bring up the thought of applications. It doesn't exactly turn me on either.

Inspired by High Fidelity, I reorganized my dad's CDs today. It was actually a lot of fun. Hopefully the Beatles will forgive me for putting them so close to ABBA and Billy Joel.

I think I need to download some kind of instant messenger service. Right now all I've got is Yahoo. It seems like everybody's using AIM, but Jason at least is lobbying for a switch-over to MSN. Any thoughts on what I should get? And when is this Mafia game happening?



Blogger Charles Wu said...

Hmmm... our air con died today, so now the weather is really just like Michigan... humid and really hot. I'm nostalgic in a way, almost.

6:03 PM, August 14, 2005

Blogger berno said...

air con!?
what is this air con you speak of so highly!?

9:30 PM, August 17, 2005


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