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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Another Ridley? Not possible!

So I joined the Calvin College orchestra because they didn't have a second bassoon player, and my first rehersal was today. Lo and behold, the first oboe player (oboist?) was named Ridley! And more than that, she looked like Rid! Except her hair was almost as short as mine....I seriously would have thought that she was your older sister, save that you have the same name. Very odd. Very very odd.

Rehersal was fun though, other than the insane sixteenth note runs. And they gave me a nicer bassoon to use! I'm quite excited for that. The director is a lot of fun though; here's my best impression of his explaination of a section of one of the pieces we're playing:

Cello: You must pay the rent!
Basoon: I CAN'T [pronounced "Kant" because he's British] pay the rent!
Cello: You must pay the rent!
Basoon: I CAN'T pay the rent!
Trombone: I'll pay the rent!!!

Quite fun. Miss you all!


Blogger IsaacNoah said...

I CAN'T pay the rent!

But I can play my bassoons!

Bwahahahaha... I jumped ship from the school band, but I am still in possession of two school bassoons. Bassoon piracy is extremely rewarding. I will probably end up returning them eventually, though I believe my former teacher only knows that I had one...

3:13 AM, September 21, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

i have three stashed away in my bedroom, only one of which (the piece of junk one) I actually fun.

8:43 PM, September 21, 2005


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