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Saturday, September 24, 2005

the anti-Kip

*sings* Oh I hate technology!

yeah so got this laptop a month ago and it definitely crashes two days ago such that I cant do squat on it. takes out the sound driver and everything. whats really cool is that it also manages to corrupt the install program so I cant repair anything on it. spent the last eight hours wiping the disk and then rebuilding the computer from scratch. about the most frustrating afternoon of my life.

the band played our first football game the other night. didn't do too bad (heck of a lot better than the football kids at least) opened up the paper next day to find a literally 10 inch high picture of myself conducting gracing the front page. took me by surprise.

went out BOWLING with some friends afterwards. rocked the high-top white socks. you guys would have been proud.

I went to a performance by the Oregon symph last week of the Lord Of the Rings Symphony. It's actually exactly what it sounds like. six movements built off the soundtrack. a bit unorthodox perhaps, but it was a nice change.

got my senior pictures done last wednesday. it was a barrel of laughs. no literally. a typical exchange between me and Dave (the photographer) went like this:

okay- lets have you put your foot up on that fence and do the 'tough guy' pose


no I mean like fold your arms


hmmm. the 'tough guy' doesn't seem to fit you very well.

well I'm not a 'tough guy'

well I can see that

it was a fun afternoon.
anyway I better go. I am running for a team in our town's annual 24 hr. relay tomorrow. it's always entertaining.

ta-ta for now



Blogger Sam said...

A 10-inch photograph - pretty good! Sounds like Bern is moving down the road towards fame and fortune. But can it match Matt Slayton's front-page Harry Potter quote?

7:31 AM, September 24, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Whoa, I would love to attend a Lord Of The Rings concert. Judging by the short clip of the Montreal Symphony performing (half way down the page), it looks very enjoyable.

2:25 PM, September 24, 2005


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