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Thursday, October 06, 2005


If you search something on the web, can results from a blog show up?
If no, what if you were on like google groups search networks or something?

when are our websites going to rise from their graves?

Is there a method to enter a line of poetry or prose or a magazine article, basically any kind of literature, and have the original show up?
If not, how come my English teacher threatens our class that he can actually find proof of plagiarism because google is just that awesome?
Note: This is a purely academic question - I really don't plagiarize, ppl.

Also, does anyone share my view that these college resumes are soooooooo unreliable? Almost every person I know is making stuff up about activities and extracurriculars for their resumes, and what's reallllly annoying is that they can technically get away with it all. Because proofs are not needed - I mean, are you going to send in scores of signed sheets proving that you did this and that and crap? It infuriates me to no extent. But I mean, how cane there be absolutely no check on this kind of behavior? Don't the guidance counselors or someone check these papers before sealing them? wow.

Well those were many questions, pardon, but plz give me some answers.

~Doc Oc


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Google blog search:

12:06 AM, October 07, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

My school subscribes to some kind of special anti-plagiarism service, where they can submit questionable passages and teams of trained professionals scour the web for the original source. At least that's what they tell us - maybe it's just to keep us trembling in fear. Also, keep in mind that my school is more anal-retentive than most about this issue.

About fabricating extracurriculars for college resumes, I doubt that three or four extra things in a list of extracurriculars doesn't really make a huge difference in your attractiveness as a student. My guess is that those lists are just to make sure that the student does something outside of class. The places where extracurriculars can really pay off are in the essay and the interview, and if you fabricate them, they won't help you out there.

3:15 AM, October 07, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Apparently, schools do check, and sometimes there are very strict consequences. In fact, I've heard rumors of withheld diplomas because of lies on a transcript/resume

7:47 PM, October 07, 2005


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