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Sunday, November 06, 2005

La Retourne des CDs de TASP!

Ou PEAT, je suppose. Programme d'Ete de l'Association Telluride.

Sounds like SAT I(I)s were OK for everyone (despite unreasonable Floridian proctors). *snap snap* on the part about the SAT I being really long. Plus I had to wait about an hour once I got to the test center . . . lucky I was only doing 1 SAT II, French Listening.

So sometime this week I was digging around in the space between my bed and the wall (looking for my watch, I think) and I found the CD case with all 4 of my TASP CDs! I'd been missing it for a month or so, so I was pretty excited. Anyway, I've been listening to everybody's "playing my Song" stuff and the Protest CD while I write my Extended Essay. Pretty mad nostalgia trip. Although the verison of Christina's song on my CD is pretty messed up, with 30 second sections of static slicing up the melody. Anybody have ideas about how to fix that?

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is getting pretty disturbing, with a graphic description of a person being skinned alive. I don't think it's my kind of book.

Yesterday I took a break from my demon 50-page physics project and went to see Corpse Bride, this new movie by Tim Burton. It exceeded my expectations. Remember the part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where all the puppets burst into flame? That's what this movie was like . . . :) Strangely, as I sat down in the movie theater I found myself looking forward more to the pre-movie advertisements and trailers than the actual movie. Maybe it's because I never watch TV, so my need for mindless 20-second color- and sound-filled corporate come-ons is sorely underfed. Maybe it's just because the last movie I saw was Pride and Prejudice, which frankly wasn't as good as some of those ads. Whatever it is, it's disturbing.

Our jazz band is playing this awesome Professor Longhair tune called "Big Chief." Unfortunately, we have no drummer (still!) so the powerful shuffle rhythm of Professor Longhair's percussion line will be lacking . Hopefully we can still pull it off.

OK, I am now getting extremely annoyed with the slow typing speed this blogger input box is holding me to, so I am going to go to bed now.



Blogger Charles Wu said...

Oh noes, you dissed Pride and Prejudice!

/hides from the wrath of Emma

6:07 PM, November 06, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

Yay! Corpse Bride!

OK, it wasn't fantastic, but at least pretty darn good. The beginning and end are interesting, middle drags a bit, and the final solution was a complete sidestep of what seemed to be a lose-lose situation. Visually, it was really neat! Especially because I've never seen Nightmare Before Christmas, which apparently looks something like that. Have to check it out at some point.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is sooooooo *holds palms very close together* close to being released. Can't wait!

Oh, and Sam, I concur. The skinning part is recounted with perfectly lucid prose, making it all the more gut-churning. But keep reading. It's a great book, albeit kinda confusing for me.

For Christina's song, I just downloaded another version.

Hmm... come to think of it, I wonder where my TASP yeabook and CDs are...

6:08 PM, November 06, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

I assume Sam was talking about the Keira Knightley version. Not the quasi-sacred Colin Firth one.

If not, then TAKE COVER!

6:09 PM, November 06, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Right, I do remember Sam talking about that a while back.... I stand corrected.

6:31 PM, November 06, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Isn't it "le retour?"

Isn't it "oral?"

now that I've satisfied my daily quota for being a snobby moran (did I just spell "moron" incorrectly?), I think Sam's refering to the kiera knightly version. I just watched a clip from that version, and it's horrid! Bleck! I definately feel the same way about commercials and previews Sam! I watched Goodbye Lenin! on DVD last night and I actually went to the special features menu to watch the previews. I never watch tv, and due to my lack of commercial knowledge, it feels like I'm missing out on some important part of American culture. Sometimes when I've got a few spare minutes, I sneak upstairs and surf channels to find commercials to watch...but don't tell anyone!

7:51 PM, November 06, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

1. It is le retour. I've done my share of snobbily (and moranically!) correcting others' grammar/spelling, so it's good for me to be humbled.

2. Harry Potter no. 4 looks awesome! At least the trailer does!

3. On ne parlais vraiment tres vite pendant le SAT II, mais les questions ne sonne qu'une fois, donc on doit faire attention. Ce qui etait difficile pour moi, c'etait les phrases que je ne connais pas. Peut-etre je dois ecouter un peu le rap pour ameliorer mon vocabulaire . . . :)

11:03 AM, November 07, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Helas, I can stand some humbling too as Ridley graciously pointed out. Je te remercie!

6:24 PM, November 07, 2005

Blogger slaytonm said...

Ugh, French people.

Lol, I think I can guess what "oh, la la!" means.

10:01 PM, November 07, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

I think SAT would be masculine because "un examen" is masculine...but then there's the translation of acronyms, like AIDS being difficult to remember.

10:07 PM, November 07, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

La Teste d'Aptitude Scholastique. TAS.

12:41 PM, November 08, 2005

Blogger Charles Wu said...

Ah, but SAT officially is not an acronym: it stands for nothing, and nothing it is :-P

6:21 PM, November 08, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Is "la teste" a french word? Four years of studying a language and what have I to show for it? lots of ignorance.

9:09 PM, November 08, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

NEVER trust me about whether a given French word exists. So many French words translate so directly that I have lost all shame about guessing wildly.

*30 seconds later*

OK, I checked it on BabelFish translation, and "teste" does translate to "test." Although "le teste" and "la teste" both translate to "tests," (???) so there's room for doubt about the accuracy of this translation.

4:30 PM, November 09, 2005

Blogger Jason Chua said...

That's the amazing thing!

When I took French (years ago, heh), we used to come up with french-i-fied words for essays, and half of them would be correct. So I'm not complaining.

7:48 PM, November 09, 2005


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