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Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Importance of to Recommend Plays

So I just read The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (and watched the movie too, actually, with Judi Dench, Reese Witherspoon, Rupert Everet, Frances O'Connor, and Colin Firth) and I thought it would be nice if we had a play category on the recommendations page. Of course, we won't always be able to go see any play we'd like, at least not those of us who don't live in NYC or Vienna, but how can we compare Hamlet and Oedipus Rex and not have a list of recommendable plays? Not being especially endowed with technological talents myself, could Meredith or Charles add it on? That is, if no one has any objections.


Blogger berno said...

yeah, IBE rocks my world. it's the single most utterly pointless, and yet totally hilarious play you will ever see in your life. if you havent seen it you must. now. quick. before you do anything else.


5:37 PM, November 27, 2005

Blogger Emma said...

Yeah, there're lots of references to "modern times" and whatnot, it'd be rather interesting to disect. It was written in 1893? End of the Victorian Era? Certainly a time of great social import and change.

10:25 PM, November 27, 2005


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