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Friday, February 17, 2006

Goo Goo G'joob

I just returned from my school's annual concert of electric music (the rock bands always have to go last in regular concerts so people who hate rock can leave early, so the music department decided to give them their own special performance). Our jazz band performed (yay!) "Girl from Ipanema" and "It Don't Mean a Thing"; I did vocals on the former, which is a first for me. Interesting sidenote: it seems that the art department commissioned a bunch of juniors to paint a big wooden backdrop with an electric music theme for the concert. They chose Gorillaz as the theme, and everybody was fine with that until a teacher actually looked at the painting and was horrified to discover that the animated characters were clenching cigarettes/pipes in their teeth and one was brandishing a knife. Some last-minute editing was performed and the offending subject matter was satisfactorily eliminated, although one character ended up with a toothpick protruding from his mouth.

Cornell Telluride House interview tomorrow using Internet phone service Skype. Should be interesting, especially since I have a cold right now - they may end up thinking I have some kind of strange European accent. If anything, that will help my chances of getting in, I bet. Wish me luck!

Also, I read the official licensing agreement for Pandora, and it turns out you're not supposed to use it outside the US. Curses! I really enjoyed the little trial-period session. I guess this is one more forbidden pleasure that I can only enjoy when I return to my homeland.

1. Just Like a Woman - Bob Dylan
2. Cissy Strut - Dirty Dozen Brass Band (gotta love those guys)
3. I Am the Walrus - the Beatles
4. Portrait of Tracy - Jaco Pastorius
5. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - the Beatles




Blogger slaytonm said...

Should be interesting, especially since I have a cold right now - they may end up thinking I have some kind of strange European accent.

lolol, very funny. Actually, you pronounce your "t's" much more... actually so did Jenny. Americans don't pronounce them at all.

3:48 PM, February 18, 2006

Blogger Jason Chua said...

How was the interview?

8:39 AM, February 19, 2006

Blogger Sam said...

I think it went pretty well - although, as you probably know, it's difficult to judge people's reactions in a telephone interview. There were lots of long "multi-faceted" questions about my essays, and I felt put on the spot a lot of the time (especially when they were asking me about how to run an effective House meeting - I haven't attended a House meeting in six months!), but the questions helped me dig deeper into my issues and say some more meaningful things. At times I was probably rambling unfocusedly and repeating myself, but I feel good about it overall. Best of luck to Ridley and other applicants!

5:38 PM, February 19, 2006


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