Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Hey guys, hows it goin'. Henrik here. I haven't spoken to so many of you, excluding Jason, Ridley and Sam of course. But the reasoning behind all this lack of response is because of this journey to Germany I have embarked on (they call it a Deutschlandreise in Germany, say it with me now...). Man you should see this place, it has yet to cease to amaze me, especially because I just visited the Alps.

The Alps were quite amazing, and with no reliable internet system, my family of 12 and I embarked on daily hikes where we saw mountain goats, brown cows of the mountains, and beer bellied German yodeller/hikers/hunters (they all look the same) with their feathered hats, knee high stockings, lederhosen, and wooden canes. I was so enthralled by this culture I even purchased a hat of my own, a picture will be posted eventually. It's so awesome to see all these crazy Germans with their crazy lifestyles and wienerschnitzels mit kartoffelsalat. Everyday now, mz Grandparents urge me to drink a Dunkles (Dark) Bier for dinner, and insist that I unbutton my trousers to fill up that little, scrawny stomach of mine ("And what did you do after you found the golden ticket?" "Vell, I ate sam mohr chocolate bahs").

So that's my story, other than my desperate and Eleventh Hour attempts to finish my AP summer reading (Beowulf is a bitch of a book). I can see most goes well for all, at least those that responded. Furthermore, when I get back to America, the home-landen, I have a plethora of TASP pictures that I can post and boast on photobucket (while rhyming these words, 'bröst' is the term used when making a toast in Germany). Someone ought to teach me how to post them, for I don't know how to do such things.

All righty then, ta ta, post you later, alligator. (email me or dial, crocodile)



Blogger Meredith said...

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1:45 AM, August 20, 2005

Blogger Meredith said...

Whoa whoa whoa. Beowulf is awesome. How can you disparage a book that says so matter of factly, "That was one good king"?
I'll let it go, however, because you purchased an entertaining hat. Anyway, Germany sounds neat.

1:48 AM, August 20, 2005


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