Here is the secret-not-so-secret online Nunnian shrine made by the loving 05 UMich TASPers. Enter our homology. We are Triumphant in Turquoise--and all other colors. WORRRRD.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hi from Oregon

So I figured out that if you enter stuff in the "edit HTML" window it will work just dandy.

Having major scheduling issues here. I've gotten though all the english and science classes offered at my school, but I still need some credits to get into college, and all the classes that I would like to take are full at our local college. It looks like I might have to take intro to chem. gag me with a spoon. I tried sitting in on it last year and dropped the second day after the prof spent two hours (I kid you not. 120 solid minutes) demonstrating how to convert between different units ie kilo-hecto in the metric system. Of course gen chem, the class I should be taking is offered at the same time as band, the only class at high school that I cant miss.

Ahh.. Backpacking. If there was one thing that I did miss in Michigan it was the utter lack of elevation gradient. So, when I got home, I called up a friend and his dog, grabbed my turquoise armband and headed for the wallowas. I figured we could start a tradition here. anytime anyone goes anywhere, take a picture of yourself with your armband a post it. mine will be going up shortly entitled "fighting oppression on petes point and aneroid mountain" lets see how far we can take those beutiful blue thingamajiggers.

I regret to say that I have fallen out of the practice of snapping. sadness.

Sam your post was amazing. you are my new hero.

not much else to report. Im rather proud of myself for defeating this HTML code. thanks Meredith.

miss you all
talk to you later



Blogger Sam said...

Don't give me too much credit. I think some kind soul secretly edited my post to correct mathematical errors. Thanks, whoever did that! . . . if anybody did. I'm not really know. Moral of the story: don't blog so late at night.


11:25 AM, August 19, 2005


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