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Friday, October 07, 2005

The IgNobel Revisited

Various Nobel Prizes are making the news, and this has prompted me to go back to that site I told you guys about back in August. The IgNobel Prizes for 2005 have been awarded.

I rather like the project Pressures Produced When Penguins Pooh which won in "Fluid Dynamics", but my favourite is the winner in "Economics" which I'll leave for you to check out.

That is all.

Till later,



Blogger Sam said...

The site says the German and Finnish guys who won the fluid dynamics prize couldn't get visas for the US. I can imagine the foreign service officer processing their visa request. REASON FOR VISIT: Presenting research paper, "Pressures Produced when Penguins Pooh" . . . Can't really blame the guy for denying the request.

9:25 AM, October 08, 2005

Blogger Sam said...

The site says the German and Finnish guys who won the fluid dynamics prize couldn't get visas for the US. I can imagine the foreign service officer processing their visa request. REASON FOR VISIT: Presenting research paper, "Pressures Produced when Penguins Pooh" . . . Can't really blame the guy for denying the request.

9:25 AM, October 08, 2005


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